Steve Beckow :: How We Lived in Third Dimensionality

How We Lived in Third Dimensionality

Posted by Steve Beckow on May 21, 2012

Not like I know, but I’m willing to be that three things lie at the heart of the way we’ve come to live third-dimensionally. They are

(1) scarcity,
(2) insecurity, and
(3) self-servingness.

Several factors have contributed to them taking over our way of life today. There are undoubtedly more, but I think these three among them.

The first is the heaviness and non-conductivity of the third-dimensional body, which prevents higher vibrations from reaching us – until now.  The second appears to have been an alleged dumbing down of the human race millennia ago.

The third is the outworking of a dark plan by the cabal, now being defeated, which sought to concentrate wealth and other resources in fewer and fewer hands and come up with numerous rationales, philosophies, and other strategems that justified exploitation and disempowered the majority of the people.


According to the first factor in our third-dimensional view of life, resources are scarce in the world.  To this way of thinking, there isn’t enough to go around. Resources can’t be shared with everyone. Someone has to go without.

Life became represented as a struggle for survival in which only the fittest survived. Nature was seen as “red in tooth and claw,” ignoring the fact that human society did not need to be because humans can discern and choose to draw on finer, divine qualities.

Life was seen as full of conflict. We were conditioned to compete with those around us rather than share and cooperate. Some won and some lost.

The stronger were the wealthier, the militarily dominant, the people capable of making hard decisions, and so on. We extolled the so-called “free market,” “free enterprise,” and “rugged individualism.”

We arrived at an economic system that ridiculed attempts to spread wealth widely and equitably or create programs that saw to the needs of others, such as minimum wages, social security, universal medicare, pension plans, and so on. These were put down as “socialist” or “communist.”

Society allowed the strongest free rein as the only wise and fair way to overcome scarcity and have the race survive.


A life so lived breeds insecurity. If we lose our strength through disease, old age, or misfortune, we might fall off the ladder, tumble down, and join those deprived of a share in scarce resources. We might never climb back on the ladder of success again. Given our acceptance of the view of the heartlessness of natural selection and the “objectivity” of nature, there would be no one to speak for us or help us once we lost our grip.

Moreover, all of us faced at least old age and so, unless we were able to hoard wealth for our later years, we faced a dismal future. In the last decade, we’ve spent increasingly more of our lives worrying about how life would work out even as the economic and social order concentrated wealth in fewer hands. Many of us faced a wretched future – and do so now. Insecurity is rampant in such a society and grows and grows.

In the meanwhile and of late, those who were chosen to govern us have created a fictional war against non-existent terrorists, which was used as a blind behind which to whittle away our civil rights. The press, the courts, the police forces, the army and all other important pillars of society were suborned and bent to the service of an agenda of world dominance and the subservience of a greatly-reduced population.

A policy of divide and conquer saw the planetary controllers pit one country against another, the classes within a society against each other, the religions, colors, etc. Insecurity, fear and competition all contributed to the centralization of power and resources.


The ego left to its own devices interprets things self-servingly anyways.  But, in my opinion, such a society as this also glorified the ego. Looking out for number one became its dominant social philosophy, consciously or unconsciously. Its business philosophy spoke of sharks stealing lunches, the strongest dominating markets, and the pitiless vanquishing their enemies. Wars were rigged; patriotism was played upon; the media was silenced and bent to the service of captains of industry and, eventually they hoped, masters of the universe.

The interests of the few became the “national interests.” Those who demurred became “domestic terrorists.” Capitalism was extolled as a triumphant philosophy. The crumbs of the table were deemed to trickle down to the masses whose governments more and more abandoned them, surveilled them, and took away their rights.

This way of living produced indebtedness and failure among the many. Work was lost to machines, wages were lowered, and benefits decreased. When the vast majority of the population fell low enough, the 1% rebelled against the 99%, as the elite had always feared it would do.

* * *

Now, as the energies rise dramatically on the planet, we feel a draw to divine qualities such as love, compassion, truth, beauty, peace, and humility. As our minds quiet down, we emerge from a way of life centered around consumption, pleasure, and exploitation. We find ourselves hungering for peace, yearning for truth, and bursting with love.

We feel ourselves awakening from decades of dreaming and seeing that the “good life” that tantalized us was simply a cover for robbing the majority of the population and concentrating power in the hands of an elite. It was about as realistic as pretending that the lottery could be our pension.

It was an impossible dream because it was never intended to be possible. It was merely meant to distract by offering hope. The “American Dream” was just a carrot on a stick, used to drive us forward. Suddenly scarcity, competition, elitism, manipulation, and the awful future that we faced have become revealed for what they are.

We’ve awoken; and we’ve made it plain that we reject the vision of life and society that was sold to us, forced on us, and made to seem self-evident.

As it happens, we’ve had much help in this. I very much doubt we could have done it on our own. Moreover, we’re assured that it won’t take us going to war or overthrowing the elite for things to be put right.

And we’re advised that really all that we need to do is to go no further than embracing divine qualities, including forgiveness of those who intended to do away with us (for such was part of their plan), and to seek peace among a world now seen as composed of brothers and sisters.

We’re told that there has always been enough and that a new economy is coming in which co-operation and sharing are to be stressed and the well-being of all  to be seen to. We’re told that within months, disease on the planet, old age, want and poverty will all be reversed. We’re assured that by the end of the year we won’t recognize ourselves for the blossoming and transformation that will take place.

Assisted by the rising energies of love, allegedly coming from the Heart of One, we’re counselled to let go of all negativity, both that which we were conditioned to and that which we gravitated to when overthrowing the cabal.

All is unknown territory ahead of us and many surprising changes are said to be awaiting us. But at the same time we’re being given the fixative of divine love to enable us, the advantage of recognizable truth to empower us, and the boon of global peace, not here yet but in the offing to be sure, to reassure us.

We awaken from the nightmare and haven’t had time as yet to even catch our breath. But the dream is rapidly receding and soon will live only in our memory, which too, we’re told, will be erased by the capabilities that are being extended to us.


Angela Peregoff :: New Moon Awakening Kiss

New Moon Awakening Kiss

By Angela Peregoff on May 21, 2012

“Life is action and passion; therefore, it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of the time, at peril of being judged not to have lived.”

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

As we sit basking in the dynamic presence of yesterday’s solar eclipse New Moon, there is no longer any question that a cosmic acceleration is influencing our times, as we seem to be in the midst of a new level of amplify. For the next couple of weeks our sun is resting in perfect alignment with the central sun Alcyone in the celestial Pleiadian system. This group of stars represents the seven sisters or seven Goddesses in our galaxy.

We also stand at the culmination of Wesak, a festival celebration of enlightenment.

Typically May is a mystical rebirthing time when we can relax, merge with Spirit, the higher planes, and drink in the elixirs of expanded consciousness. We relax and smell the roses (the scent of the Divine); we feel like focusing on comfort, beauty, security, and harmony within all our resources. However the particular stellar waves that will be pouring in from the galaxies above will be providing the signals and frequencies to anchor newer levels of awareness that include sacred respect for the value of life and consciousness.

Energy vibrations from the Galactic Center will be transmitted across the parsecs of space in a language of Light, a form of intelligent communication that affect and support all forms of consciousness. The Pleiades, Alycone, Maia, Electra, Merope and the rest of the cluster of stars from that region of the galaxy will be transducing transmissions and relaying them onward. Our Sun will catch the cosmic communications and distribute them to the rest of the solar system.

Each wave of particular frequency will be carrying a specific resonance of higher frequency and Divinity sent directly to your cells, where the spirals of your DNA are in harmonic resonance with the spirals of the galaxy. You will not see or feel the vibrations with you physical senses however your cells will catch the signals loud and clear. Your biology will know it is being called upon to tune itself to meet and match the new harmonics and entrain with the escalating waves of resonant energy.

Imagine as we progresses towards the Memorial Day weekend in the US, the kingdom of humanity will be breathing a New set of encodements that will usher in the experience of Life, physical immortality, and being our body of Light fully present in a cellular biology. The transmissions are very strong and nothing can dispel them. All life on planet Earth, as well as the entire solar system, must adjust to this energy. The Sun’s role is to maintain balance by supporting and sustaining the evolution of consciousness in this galactic realm.

If the resonance is not matched, then dissonance and discord occur, which is what you usually see unfolding as scandals, dishonesty, bickering, warmongering and new levels of madness. All manner of havoc is created by those who feel frantic because they cannot match the cosmic attunement. If you lose contact with your heart center, then you will not be able to fully occupy your body or use your mind to its greatest capabilities during this time.

So if you have, or still are feeling as though the universe is giving you a run for your money by having you stand in chaos, emotional upheaval, physical “jumpiness,” fatigue, phases of confusion, listlessness, sensing compression or its opposite, lightness of being, it is because as a committed vessel of Spirit, you are holding the newest frequencies and assisting in raising the vibration of the planet through your physical being. It may help to remember that cosmic energies are always absorbed by the earth, so to remain calm and centered, do as the rest of Nature’s creatures and stay in touch with the ground.

As an emissary of Divinity upon Gaia during this time many are acting as grounding points of the deeper commitment of spirituality and consciousness that is surfacing. As an entity understanding, “one with all” your karmic ethics has you devoted to the purpose of Ascension.

As a straight shot of Source’s dimensional equipment you are a very important component for the New Living Field of embodiment. This knowledge may, or may not, make up for all that you are processing physically and emotionally, however, know that if you are building, claiming, and anchoring what is necessary to advance there are celestial elders watching over you. If the need is there, ask for their assistance when the merger of energies becomes too much. They will help, and at the same time make sure that you continue to grow.

With so many scrambling changes occurring at once many are feeling as though they exist in a house of mirrors. Possessing a keen awareness of the invisible happenings can be distracting and confusing for the human living in accelerated times. We all need to schedule time for pampering when we are feeling ill at ease. For those that perform reality checks and find they are frenzied by energies that are somewhat difficult to handle, you need to formulate clear plans for balance and clarity by consulting your own internal pillar of wisdom and commonsense. The message here is not to beat yourself up for feeling bewildered and out of rhythm.

Everyone is involved in this intensive interchange; some are just aware that they are rendezvousing with sacred agreements and contracts. Brainstorm ways that will support the times of disenfranchised spiritual jolts. Visit a health practitioner, make sure your diet is sound, avoid taking big risks, join a metaphysical group, get lost in the arms of nature, etc. You are the only one who can muster the blockbuster remedies for amplified waves of Light running through the human collective with a vengeance during these times.

As the month comes to a close there will be a definite steadying effect that should be felt by all. But before jumping for joy and high-fiving everyone in your spiritual circle open your mind, while the opportunity presents itself, to newly landing ideas that lead to stunning accomplishments in your human and psychic life. As you settle in after the latest stationing between the full moons inspirations and illuminations will be soaring through your brain.

Take time to write it all down for future reference. We have just been sent information on how to BE our truth in greater measure. That means life will be in our favor when we remain in harmony with our Soul values, not our human characteristics such as curtailing, suppressing and limiting the directive of Spirit.

Personally, I work diligently to remain in alignment with Universal Harmony and this usually moves me beyond the spaces of whirlwind energies and magnetics. Yes, my physicality still remains a utilized tool of SOURCE THOUGHT so I have my days of light-particle processing when I am dizzy, headachy, or stiff and sore but I recognize this as an opportunity to be a great and clear Light for the greater good and try not to whine too much about it. After all, pro-creators are the connector links of unification between the eternal and the now. How cool is that?

Despite the transitioning symptoms we are in the Era of Pure Eternal Awakening and life force energies. We are coming to understand that Purity and Divine Will are the atmosphere that keeps Intelligence alive now and everything that vibes with It enjoys unification at its highest standards. It is a space where one can live out mastery within life circumstances and situations leading to perfection and acceptance.

The old is easy – the New is spiritual embodiment made physical!

Thanks for being a cosmic volunteer to Universal Source Substance,

©2003 – 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved.

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